How to Prepare for a Headshot Session With a Professional Photographer

A person is going to spend a good amount of money on their headshots so they should make sure they’re going to look great. The way to do this is through careful preparation. After all, the photographer is going to put a lot of preparation into creating the perfect photo and wearing the wrong thing or failing to do something important might mean the photos aren’t going to look great or will need to be redone. The following are some pointers for anyone who is getting ready to work with a headshot photographer.

What Type of Headshot?

It’s important for a person to consider what type of headshot they want before the photo session. If they aren’t sure, the photographer may be able to take a couple of different shots so they can see what the differences are and determine which one looks better for them. Choices typically include vertical, horizontal, indoor in a studio, and outdoors with a natural background.


Wear Simple Clothing

Men and women should wear simple clothing, preferably in solid colors or a very basic pattern for corporate headshots. They might want to bring a change of clothes to the photo shoot if there will be time to change or layer their outfit to change faster. They should also make sure the clothes are all ironed and ready to go as they won’t want wrinkles in the photos.

Hair and Makeup

Women should be careful with their makeup and use a minimal amount at least to start. It’s easy to add on more makeup later if it’s necessary, but there often isn’t enough time to take the makeup off and reapply if they decide they’ve put on too much. Hair should be down and they should brush their hair again right before the shoot. Hairspray might be necessary to make sure their hair looks great. Men will want to be clean shaven and make sure their hair looks well-groomed as well. It’s typically a good idea to shave within a few hours of the photo shoot.

There’s a lot of preparation that goes into professional headshots, both for the professional editorial photographer and the person having their photo taken. It’s a good idea to think about this well ahead of time so they have as little to do as possible on the day of the photo shoot. Being well prepared and working with a professional for Professional Headshot Photography will make sure the person has a fantastic photo they can use for any professional needs.